I had been editing my videos for the last two hours, then disaster struck, and I lost all the changes. I have a really cool app for video editing on my phone, called viva video, but I was a little too keen on the back button! So my first week video goes back to the back burner.
So now I am sitting at a desk in a dormitory of 50 people, it’s 10pm, and a chorus of snoring is already filling the room. There are a lot of older men in tonight, so it was never going to be silent.
I spoke to two American girls in the cafe next to the albergue, who were then off to find a camping spot. I was tempted to join them, having only paid €5 to stay here. Kind of regret it now.
I can see me camping at some point soon, not to save money, but to have the odd night of peace. There is nothing like sleeping in the great outdoors. It’s cool that there is a little sub-culture of Camino campers emerging.
I walked 27km (18 miles) today and found it hard going. It was hot and hilly along endless hard tracks. I was glad to arrive in the sweet tiny hamlet of Ages.
Tomorrow I have a short day to Burgos, which is another sizable city, the biggest place since Pamplona. It’s well timed as I am fast running out of compeed for the thriving community of blisters colonizing my feet.
Feet: Have some small blisters, but managing them well, for now.
Food: Coffee x2, toast, cheese, tomatos, bread, omlette, apple, huge salad, more bread, ice cream.
Feeling: Excited about the prospect of camping soon.