Slept OK in Chadoora and was keen to make it into town with all it’s treats and comforts. I left camp around 9.30am for the 21km walk.
Bruce left a little before me and was due to get a pick up after 8km. I saw him at his pick up point a couple of hours later and had a lunch break with him.
From then on I was following an old railway line. The track ran by the side but I ended up walking more of the railway as the actual track was quite over grown.
It wasn’t steep up to Dwellingup but 13 km of gentle incline. I was pretty happy to land at the Dwelly tourist info aound 2 pm.

I asked about accommodation options and headed to the Dwellingup Caravan park where I landed a tent site for a very reasonable $20. Lots of families where there as it’s still school holidays but the grounds were spacious.
It’s safe to say that I had the smallest tent and was surrounded by huge set ups!
I made my way down to the village store and had a look at the range of food. The prices were double what you’d find in Perth so I was glad to have brought extra.
They had very little left in terms of nice food for dinner but there were some sausages. I asked if there was any bread so I could make sausage butties but it had all gone.
It was then I had some awesome trail magic! The girl behind the counter gave me four slices of bread! It may not seem much but made my day.
I grabbed some red wine from the hotel bottle shop and had rather nice evening by the barbie.