In a little over two weeks

This time in two weeks I will be sitting in the grande surrounds of an IBIS Budget Hotel in the French town of Bayonne. Between now and then I have a huge to do and buy list. In fact, the list isn’t even complete yet.

I flew back to the UK from Indonesia last Wednesday, and have since been riddled with a heavy cold and cough. That didn’t stop me doing a 16 km walk with friends yesterday along the banks of England’s Avon River, but I am suffering today as the cold has gone up a notch.

I am not worried about fitness, anyone can start a Camino, and will probably be pretty fit after a week or so. For sure, the first week can be a slog, but there are so many places to stop along the way, that you can get away with short days. Well I had planned to write more, but I can barely keep my eyes open (I suspect this line will be repeated), so I hope tomorrow to start on my to do list.