After over three walks of walking the Bibbulmun track, my last day came and was a pretty straight forward walk into the small ‘town’ of Pemberton.
I was last to leave Beedleup campsite at around 9am and set off at a good pace. It tends to be the usual thing that once you get close to the finishing line, you just want to coss it.
After a couple of hours I came to quite a main road and some open farmland which made a nice change from the forest. The trees were still very impressive though and I really enjoyed walking among these giants.
It felt a little like being in my next destination New Zealand, particularly the North Island.
The day went pretty quickly and I was soon to arrive in Pemberton. I had booked the YHA while on the track and therefore was eager to get shower after another long stretch sans hot water!
The YHA was really nice and I made good friends with a number of people there, and a cat who had a taste for pizza.
I ended up staying in Pemberton a few nights and two sisters from Perth kindly gave me a ride back to the city.
I am going to write more about my overal experience on the Bibbulmun this year, but it’s safe to say that I will be back one day to either start again where I left off in Pemberton and walk the 400 km to Albany or thru-hike the whole 1000 km.
We will see! Next stop for me is New Zealand where I am going to be doing some more Te Araroa sections and other some other short trails.